ISA-HyPLAN: Power to Gas – Hydrogen
What is ISA-HyPLAN?
Overcoming obstacles to initiate and realize Power-2-Hydrogen projects: this is why we have developed ISA-HyPLAN. With our planning tool we are able to support power and hydrogen producers, investors and consumers in the technical and economic project planning of Power-2-Hydrogen systems. ISA-HyPLAN simulates the entire system, from power generation from renewable energy sources to electrolysis technologies and consumer requirements. The result: an economically optimized concept of decentralized hydrogen production which is technically customized regarding location and intended use.
Why do we offer ISA-HyPLAN?
Politicians and scientists expect hydrogen to play a decisive role in the transition to a sustainable CO2-neutral energy economy. Not only is hydrogen interesting as an energy carrier, storage medium and fuel, but also as a basic material for the production of ammonia, methanol and other important basic components of the chemical industry.
Although on the technical side many solutions are already available for successfully implementing green hydrogen in the material and energy cycles, profitability remains a major challenge. Conventional production of blue and grey hydrogen as well as the use of fossil fuels are still more competitive in the market than green hydrogen. So it becomes crucial that existing and future capacities in sustainable wind and solar power generation are used in an economically efficient manner, i.e. based on electrolysis to produce green hydrogen.
For the implementation of projects, simulations and detailed technical information are therefore already relevant in the planning phase. Looking back on many years of experience in product development, ISATEC GmbH offers these services independently. The development of high-pressure tanks for hydrogen mobility and the integration of energy systems are outstanding examples of this. We cover all necessary steps to design competitive products: from the initial idea and the concept development all the way to project planning, calculation and documentation.
How does ISA-HyPLAN work?
The planning tool ISA-HyPLAN takes into account the entire system of electricity/hydrogen generation including the requirements for the planned use, enabling both economic and technical optimization.
In this, the technical and economic operating data of wind and solar plants, electrolyzers and other system elements such as compressors serve as a basis. Electricity generation can be simulated on the basis of values from site-specific weather data. The simulation of hydrogen production is represented by the characteristic data of the planned electrolyzer technology. Depending on the resolution of the input data, operation can be simulated with minute, hour or day accuracy. As a simulation result, a multitude of parameters is generated which are individually weighted and used in condensed form to optimize the overall system. These are, among others, the full load hours of the electrolyzer, the share of electricity used for hydrogen production, the surplus electricity, the hydrogen production and start-up/shut-down times of the electrolyzer. Based on this simulation data, further scenarios such as the integration of a battery buffer or a plant for reverse power generation, the modular design of the electrolyzer or the expansion of the wind and/or PV plant can then be evaluated and dimensioned accordingly. The integration of economic data makes it possible to find the ideal solution for the site with regard to capital investment. In addition, the production price for hydrogen at the site can be estimated.
Who is ISA-HyPLAN for?
The flexibility of ISA-HyPLAN allows for defining customized system solutions for hydrogen production with decentralized power generation from renewable energies. This results in the opportunity, for example, to continue to operate depreciated wind power plants economically or to supplement them. On the other hand, it provides consumers with information about where and under which circumstances hydrogen production is possible in their region according to their needs. Existing plant concepts can be reviewed and compared with alternative concepts, making it possible to answer specific questions such as the integration of subsystems (battery, heat pump, etc.) as well. Depending on the project framework, cost simulations for investors can be conducted for investors which can then be used as a reference for tenders and applications for subsidies.